You know when you can almost touch the finish line…?

Evening all,


I hope you’re all having a great weekend.

I just thought I’d get my head out of my book for a few minutes, to let you know how things are getting on with Retribution. I’m just hoping I can stay awake long enough to tell you!

The last two weekends have been really full on (that’s my excuse for not posting anything last weekend!), and I’ve actually got a massive amount done.

Around 34,000 words and counting, so that’s almost a third of the book, just in the last two weekends, so as you can tell, the story has definitely been flowing freely.

I guess it always helps that I have characters I love, and then I have characters I love you to hate. (Oh, you know I do!) So, any time I get to write about the good guys and the bad guys, I’m in my element.

And before you say it, no, not every chapter of the books have good guys or bad guys in them! Sometimes you have to write a chapter to get you from one key scene to another, and they can often be the hardest to write, as you have to make it worthwhile and engaging for the reader, or it just becomes filler. And none of us wants a bunch of that, not in the middle of a story which is hopefully gripping us.

I have to say, though, that this book has surprised me, with how quickly I’ve fallen in love with my new characters.

I’ve already told you that we have new characters in Abbey and her son Baxter (no spoiler there, if you’ve been following my blogs), but not in my wildest dreams did I realise how they’d evolve, just in the space of this one book. Probably quicker than any of the other leading characters.

I won’t say Abbey has replaced Hannah as my favourite female character, but she’s certainly up there with Sacha, tied for second place.

And Baxter? Seriously, if you guys don’t fall in love with that kid, then you must have hearts of stone!

So, anyway, as I was saying, or I think I was… I’m still just on target to finish writing this week, and then the whole of March can be devoted to editing, in time for a release date over Easter weekend in April. (Note to self, check what date Easter falls on…)

I’ve actually surprised myself by coming up with a book-cover I like for once.

(Those of you who’ve read my posts before will know that where I have a love/hate relationship with editing – I have a hate/hate relationship with book covers! My next series of books are going to have titles such as ‘The Green Door’ and ‘The Blue Shoe etc!)

I’m not revealing the cover just yet, because by the time I’ve slept a few times, I might decide I hate it again. But as soon as I make up my mind, I’ll post it on the site, and invite you all to let me have your thoughts.

So, thanks for taking time out to read the update.

If you want more, then drop me a line. I’m always happy to hear from you.

Have a fabulous week,

