So, how’s lockdown been for you?


So, how’s lockdown been for you?

That’s the question we’re being asked over and over, and the answer, depending on who you ask, varies widely.

For a lot of us, lockdown is a pain in the ass. Boring, monotonous, tedious… need I go on? We complain about having little to do, but the reality is that life isn’t that bad.

Some of us are working at home, others are just staying inside, but even that is a significant contribution to the nation’s wellbeing and our ability to get through this uncertain time.

For others, lockdown is much, much, harder. For many, what comes after could be even worse.

Some are worrying about where the next meal is coming from, how they’re going to make their next rent or mortgage payment, and whether they’ll get their job back when all this is over.

Others are having to go into the front line every day, whether it be in healthcare, sanitation, social care, working in a grocery store, or one of the thousands of delivery drivers bringing essential items to those who need them. There are literally thousands of jobs deemed essential that require the people who do them to leave the safety of their homes. They’re the people most at risk and the ones who are keeping the rest of us going while putting their own lives on the line.

Then there are those who think that they have the right to do what they like, when they like, and that living in a free society means that they’re free to do as they please. They think that being made to stay indoors is an infringement on their civil liberties.

Oh, boo-bloody-hoo!

In normal times, stepping outside your front door and heading to the mall to do some shopping is Ok. Nothing illegal about doing some shopping, is there? Taking the kids to the park or the beach is being a great parent, right?

Not today it isn’t.

These aren’t normal times. And what the selfish people breaking lockdown to socialise and protest don’t seem to understand is that by mixing it up with other idiots, risking their own lives, they’re putting innocent people in danger.

Forget the fact that they risk carrying the virus home to their own families, their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, husbands, wives… just about anyone they come into contact with.

The people they’re really putting at risk are the healthcare workers who are already working around the clock to save people who have caught the virus through no fault of their own, and not as a result of stupidity.

Because, let’s face it, when these idiots catch the virus, and the law of probability says that some of them will, do you think they’re going to stay home and suffer in silence? Hell no! They’re going to be banging on the ER doors demanding that someone treat them and save their lives!

You know it’s true!

Now, I always say that my readers are the best, and you demonstrate that constantly.

I have to say that those of you who have taken the time to contact me have demonstrated what wonderful caring people you are. Many of you have emailed me in the last few months to ask how I’m doing and tell me what life is like for you. We’ve sympathised and commiserated with each other and offered words of hope and encouragement.

And this website exists purely for the enjoyment of you guys, my readers, provided by and paid for by me.

I welcome everyone who respects life and cares for their fellow men, women and children, over and above their own petty needs and wants.

I welcome people of all colours, genders, sexual orientation, abilities, disabilities, political persuasion, and religious beliefs.

And, obviously, I’d like to think that all of you are sensible, caring, human beings, for whom (any) life is far more important than the freedom of a (privileged) few to visit the nearest beach.

But, I accept that on balance of probabilities, there will be a very small number of my readers who fall into that category of selfish people who believe that their right to socialise is more important than the preservation of other people’s lives.

For them, I have a special request…

Do you see the X in the top right corner of the page? Yes?

Now click on it.

My message to everyone else – please keep yourselves and your family safe. Every one of you is precious.

Sending much love and virtual hugs.




2 thoughts on “So, how’s lockdown been for you?”

  1. Hi Beth,
    During my lock down in Australia, I’ve come across all the Alpha/stalwart/guardians books and I’ve read them all!!!!
    Love love love them.
    Hope the back is better and can’t wait for the next one!
    Cheers Kylie

    1. Hi Kylie,

      Thanks for your lovely message.

      If you’d like to drop me an email to I can add you to my mailing list and make sure you get all the news about the upcoming book.

      In the meantime, stay safe and healthy!

      Best wishes,

      Beth xx

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