Shattered – Synopsis






Shattered Synopsis


Sam Kenny has known all along that the traumatic brain injury he suffered in a car accident two years before has never fully healed. Well, it won’t until he has an operation to remove the bleed at the back of his head.

Unwilling to risk the consequences should the operation go wrong, he’s never told his mom or his twin, Jordan, that any day it could just rupture and kill him. Sam had known they would try and persuade him to have the operation, and when he was still recovering from the accident and at his weakest, he’d decided that the only way he’d be able to stand his ground against them, was if he didn’t actually tell them.

When his dizzy spells worsen to the point where he has days where can’t do his job properly, Sam is left with no choice but to open up to his brother. He has no answer when an angry Jordan points out that Sam could have died, and because of his selfish choice to keep his condition secret, nobody would have had the chance to prepare themselves to say goodbye.

When Jordan takes a time-out, to get away from Sam for a few weeks, Sam starts to appreciate exactly how badly he’s hurt his brother.

He’s faced with the hardest choice he’s ever had to make. Undergo an operation which could leave him quadriplegic or even dead, or lose the brother who has been there for him every step of the way, from the minute he was born.

Aisha Raman is one of the world’s most recognisable Asian faces. A supermodel since she was just eighteen, she’s held up as a role model for young women everywhere, following her refusal to model semi-nude or wearing anything that would embarrass her family. Most people believe her reasons to be because of her strict Muslim upbringing.

What most people don’t know, is that whilst her father is from Pakistan, her mom is from good Irish stock, and like both of her parents, Aisha is a practising Roman Catholic, born and raised in Chicago.

When a sex-tape is leaked onto the internet, supposedly showing Aisha, not just with her ex-boyfriend, but two of his friends as well, she’s forced to hire security when she starts receiving death threats from Islamic extremists, accusing her of bringing shame on fellow Muslims.

Could her life get any more complicated?

Well, yes!

Aisha? Meet Sam!



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